Modern Middle Aged Man

Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How

Pile of cash

What…is this website?

It is (or will be) a collection of general things that are important to me at the moment. Primarily it will be a blog documenting my financial aspirations approaching my middle years, the theoretical peak of my career, looking at my life approaching middle age, the decisions I have made, my plans for the future, and the things I do and enjoy to keep me sane.

Who….is the person behind the blog?

An average sort of chap in his (very) late 30’s and is looking for something more than just his career and continued existence – a kind of mid-life crisis if you will, but not the stereotypical sports car or bit on the side. This approaching mid-life crisis is driven by the feeling that there must be more out there than the daily grind; I have worked for others and started my own reasonably successful business both of which have left me feeling a little hollow – lie life at work could and should be more enjoyable. I aim to use this blog to help me explore what that more is and see if it is possible for anyone to carve out an alternative income with a bit of time and effort, whilst pursuing things that are more aligned with personal interests and hobbies.

Why….have you created this site then?

Having seen a moderately successful career in engineering take me in directions I am not in full control of (as both employee and employer), having a keen interest in Financial Independence (FI), and having lived, if not frugally, then sensibly led me to look at the ‘passive income’ ideas floating about on the internet. Lots of people talk about them, but not many seem to document their own success or their path to passive income. I plan to do just that with an experiment into just how easy it is to generate a ‘passive income’, how much work and cost is involved in setting up and maintaining the income streams, and documenting all of this for everyone to see. The details of this experiment will be in my next post. My aim is to see how long it takes and how easy it is to build up a passive income sufficient to be able to support me and my family.

When…are you going to post?

Whenever I have something to say or add to the site, definitely once a month with updates on any income I have generated passively. I will aim to get something up regarding personal finances (whether that be more information on my passive income experiment, or other financial/frugality information that I may have stumbled upon in my quest) once a week, and one other, likely non related, article a week.

Where…are you focusing your efforts?

Not sure yet what exactly where this will take me, I will try to generate as much passive income as possible from the comfort of my own home. With the problems the global pandemic is causing for travel, this seems like the most sensible (and most passive) approach that I can take. I will also take the opportunity to digress and ramble about life, the universe and everything because sometimes it’s good to let your mind wander and see what direction it takes. I intend to blog about any other things that take my interest, although the primary focus will be on personal finance, passive income, and elements of frugality, expect things on 3d printing, board games, home tech/automation and the like.

How…are you going to do it then?

I am going to try the haphazard approach to seeing what will generate passive income for me. Firstly, through the eventual monetization of this website, by posting stuff that interests people, around the core subject of FI and frugality, but also any other areas of interest I may branch out into and write about. After that I will be taking inspiration from the safe and sensible place that is the internet to get further ideas. The full details of my experiment into passive income will be set out in my next post…

Until next time


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